Snowmen at Night

Snowmen at Night
After finishing the Mandala Lesson, 4th grade students took what they previous learned about tint and shade and applied it  their next project inspired by the book Snowmen at Night written by Caralyn Buehner, illustrated by Mark Buehner.

While also learning reviewing tint and shade, students were introduced to value and learned that value helps to add to the realness of an image or drawing and can trick  others. 
Student were asked to draw two or more snowmen playing in the snow. Using the moonlit sky as a light source, students add shadow  to one side of their snowman and light to the other side. Lastly once the value is complete students are asked to give snowman  an activity to showcase movement and motion. Materials included pencils, 12x18 sheets of blue paper , white chalk and color pastels.

*Tip: Spray fixative to prevent smudging*


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